This is going to be a
shameless plug for joining Twitter.
Readers! I can't
explain how this has helped me grow as an educator! I attended a
conference a couple of years ago and after yet another amazing
session, I spoke with the moderator of that session, Kayla Dornfield.
She gently pushed me to join Twitter and follow her for ideas from
her session. As I bravely moved forward in this totally new arena, I
gained more confidence to share my own ideas and thoughts. I joined
“chats” that appealed to me and my teaching. I “followed”
people that I felt had similar viewpoints. All I have to say is:
“Holy crap!” I can't begin to tell you the opportunities and
doors this has opened for me in my professional career!
To start with, I
“tagged” my edu-hero, Jim Sporleder, in a tweet about asking my
children for his book, “Trauma Informed Schools” for Christmas.
Much to my shock and surprise, he sent me a private message, asking
me for my address, telling me that he would send me a copy.
Friends!! It's autographed!! WHAT?!?!
Next, in a chat I was
participating in, Kenny Bosch and Jason Bretzmann were asking for
stories to be submitted for a compilation they were looking at
publishing. I submitted my story as to why I believe what I do about
what educations should look like and why I teach the way I do.
Y'all!! It was chosen for the book!! Now I am a published author!
Mind blown!
Through Twitter, I have
“met” so many amazing, encouraging people that I can only dream
to meet in real life! It is my prayer that some day this will come
true. Even when I feel I have had my worst day in the classroom, the
Twitter chats reinforce the fact that I am doing the right thing and
doing the best I can. I have grown as an educator because of all of
the wonderful people in my PLN (Personal Learning Network).
If you want to test the
Twitter waters, please reach out to me. I have some amazing chats
for you to follow. I have reminders plugged into my phone. Do I
participate in all of them every week? No. Do I go back, when I
have time, and look at responses? Sometimes. If I'm not familiar with
the topic for the chat, I might just “lurk,” follow, but not
respond, to learn more. It's amazing PD and again, has helped me
grow my teaching and my self-confidence to reach out to others with
what works for me in my setting. Do it!! You have nothing to lose
and everything to gain!