Sunday, May 26, 2019

Reflecting on Thirty-Four Years of Teaching

Those of you who know me well know that this school year has been a real struggle, to put it lightly! I've always believed that God never gives us more than we can handle and He must have had a lot more faith in me than I did in myself.
The year started off with a new-to-me- district nearby, going from two half-day classes of four-year olds to a full-day class of four-year olds. I was skeptical that four-year olds could handle full-day preschool. However, my sweet children rose to the task and I ended up absolutely loving it! Building those always-important relationships with kids, and their families, is so much easier when you have the kids all day. What made it even better is that the school and district administration support play-based education! As our State Commission of Education, Dr. Randy Watson, said at a conference I attended, “I believe that every child under the age of eight years old should have a play-based education.” AMEN!!

The tough part was that our district was part of a collaborative agreement with another entity. While our district was very flexible, the other group was not. I found myself battling their procedures and practices at every turn. Every turn! I have twenty-one pages of documentation. Some of what this entity stood for, in theory, is right and noble. The way that they were going about enforcing their policies and agenda, not so much. It was SO tough and much for what they wanted me to do was that ugly old monster,”that's the way it's always been done,” and no one could show me where it was a policy. I ended up on high blood pressure medication and more frequent visits to my amazing chiropractor to get rid of the tension in my neck and shoulders. Were it not for my prayerful, sweet mentor, and the amazing and supportive staff in the building and district offices, I'm not sure I would have lasted the year. It was that bad!
     And oh, my gosh!! Let's not forget the children! I was blessed with some of the sweetest children to ever have graced this Earth! Their smiles and their eagerness to learn made coming to work each day a blessing and something to look forward to. They truly LOVE to learn and made it so easy to teach them more. And crafts?? They loved doing crafts! “Mrs. Jenkins! What's our craft today?!?” They wanted to create and had a blast doing it! I feel that what they loved the most about crafts was that I gave them permission to be different. What they created didn't have to look just like mine. They were free to use their imaginations, and that was okay!
     At the end of the school year, we had a celebration, and our class of preschoolers rose to the occasion once again! We recited The Pledge of Allegiance with our families, sang our Days of the Week Song, followed by two songs, Dr. Jean's "May There Always Be Sunshine" and Jack Hartmann's "One Small Voice" with sign language, and finally, The Kindergarten Rap. Then we shared punch and cookies with our families. The children were precious!

     Year thirty four taught me to trust in my abilities and lean on my tribe and lastly, to never, ever, forget my “why.”

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