Monday, November 8, 2021

Veteran's Day

Veteran's Day is a day set aside to honor all of those, living or deceased, who have served in the Armed Forces, while Memorial Day is a day set aside to honor those who lost their lives protecting the very freedoms we are blessed to have as Americans.

I would like to honor my family members at this time.

My biological father, Roger O Clemens, who served in the Air Force. He lost his life in Vietnam. The impact of this tragedy had lead to making me the kind of teacher I am today.

My brother, Roger O. Clemens, Jr. (Chip). Chip served for four years in the United States Army. After leaving the service, he became a paramedic/fire fighter, climbing his way to the top, becoming a captain.

My adoptive father, John S. Kruse. He served in the US Navy as a Seabee. Seabees were a construction battalion responsible for building the infrastructure necessary during WWII. He served on the island of Guam.

My nephew, Kyle A. Kruse. He served in the Marine Corps during the Afghanistan War. He was later a government private contractor, also in Afghanistan.

My Uncle, Paul H. Kruse. He was a Navy pilot.

My nephew, Richard A. Kruse. Was a Navy pilot, graduating from the Naval Academy in Annapolis, MD. He was a flight instructor for the Navy, and later served in the South Dakota Air National Guard.

I am grateful to them for the sacrifices they made for my freedoms and for their service to our country.

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