Have you ever thought that
a statement might just be given to you for a purpose? That's what
happened to me this morning. I was mindlessly scrolling through
Facebook while drinking a mug of chai tea and waiting for the dryer
to finish when this statement, from six years ago, popped up on my
news feed: “Be A Voice, Not An Echo.” It made me stop and
think. So here goes. I'm being a voice.
To say this past school
year was rough would be a huge understatement. In the process of
jumping through hoops for three sets of hoops, (district, building, and Head Start) I lost myself, my focus, and my identity. Reflecting
this summer has helped me see that and it breaks my heart.
First of all, I moved
to a new school district. Learning the cultural norms of a new
district is tough. Not knowing the ins and outs of the building and
district is daunting for any new teacher, whether they are a veteran
teacher or fresh from college. I knew no one and felt like I needed
to show everyone that I was a good teacher and worthy colleague.
This was only my perception.
Secondly, and probably
my biggest downfall personally, was that our school district was part
of a collaborative agreement with Head Start. I have never, nor will
ever, look at a child differently because of their socio-economic
status, color of their skin, the family's religious preference,
learning exceptionalities, or even their behavior. To me, all little
people are the same and have, relatively, the same needs; to be loved
and to explore and be curious. All kids are equal in that arena.
So back to this
previous school year. Because Head Start is a federal program, they
need to follow certain governmental procedures and policies.
Understood. The struggle was that old adage: “It's always been
done that way.” I had two classroom aides, that were paid by Head
Start. I am paid by the school district. My aides were immersed in
“The Head Start Way,” and could not, or chose not to, bend to my
way of thinking about what's best for kids and thirty-four years of
experience in Early Childhood Education. My aides were, in fact, telling
me how I should run my classroom. Honestly, it got to the point
where I would get out the Head Start manual and ask them to show me
the policy. Unless it was
a governmental policy, I told my aides that we were doing it my way.
This caused a huge division in our classroom. This was were I got
lost. My whole mindset was changed. I went from thinking “This is
what's best for kids,” to “Can I teach this without causing a
conflict between myself and my aides?” I completely lost what was
best for kids. I can see that now, a month after school is out. It
has taken that long to unravel all of that in my mind.
To the families of last
year's students, I'm sorry! I did the best I could given the
circumstances. I tried not to let it show with your sweet, precious,
children. They are what kept me grounded. Please know that. To my
team, my tribe; thank you for your undying support! I couldn't have
made it without you! To building and district leadership; next year
will be better. That is my promise to you. I will be better. My
focus will be on what truly matters; the children. As for the coming
year-watch out! I'm back and will be advocating for children with an
unmatched love and fierceness!