Sunday, October 18, 2015

Teachers: Conceal and Carry

     To carry or not to carry?  That is the question.  Here's my two-cents:  There are so many people out there who want to make a statement by doing horrible things to other people.  It is the world that we live in, unfortunately.  To that end, should teachers be allowed to conceal and carry?  What a loaded question. (no pun intended)   There are sp many points of view on this issue.  Here's mine:  I took a gun safety class one summer.  When school started that fall, low and behold, one of my student's mother and her father were in the class, too.  I asked her how she felt about having a teacher who could use a handgun.  Her response?  "I think it's sweet!"  She went on to say that she would feel her child was much safer if I was able to carry at school. This is how I feel.  If an unknown person were to force his/her way into our building, I would want have the ability to protect my students, my fellow teachers, and myself.  Would I die for my students?  In a heartbeat!  I've lived a very good life.  My student's lives are just beginning.
     So, if teachers were ever allowed to conceal and carry, I would be one of the first to make that request with district officials.  I do believe that anyone who owns a gun should first pass a background check and take a gun safety class.  Rest assured, the people searching for fame by shooting up schools, movie theaters, malls, etc. I believe that this is not a gun problem.  It is a person problem and those people should be getting the help they need.

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